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photo of Taohuayuan Scenic Zone
Photo By: ch
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    Taohuayuan Scenic Zone is situated in Taoyuan County, in the northwest of Hu'nan Province.
    Leaning against the Xuefeng Range and facing the 800-li Dongting Lake, it is well-known for its reputation as a wonderland and a land of peace under heaven by Tao Yuanmin, a great poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in his prose About Taohuayuan. The zone is composed of around 100 sights in the four big scenic areas, namely Taoxian Ridge——the hometown of myth, Mountain Taoyuan——the holy land of Taoism, Mountain Taohua——the heavenly abode, Qinren Village——the land of Peach Blossoms. The amazing landscape, the magnificent temples and pavilions, the plentiful steles and inscriptions, and the fantastic historical legends are famous all over the world and of great value in terms of tourism, history, culture and art.

Edit by: ch
Taohuayuan Scenic Zone
Aiwan Pavilion
Former Residence...
Former Residency...
Hu'nan Provincia...
Mountain Yuelu
Orange Island
Tianxin Pavilion
Yuelu Academy
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